Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life

Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Amyu. The story of Kono Oto Tomare Sounds of Life, also known as Gather Around This Sound!, revolves around the Koto club at Tokise High School in Kanagawa Prefecture. Takezo Kurata, a second-year student, finds himself as the sole member of the Koto club after the seniors graduate. He’s eager to recruit new members when Chika Kudo applies to join. However, Kudo’s reputation as a troublemaker, who even destroyed his grandfather’s koto shop, makes Takezo hesitant. But as Takezo learns the truth, his perspective changes. Satowa Hozuki, a Koto prodigy with her own motives, also joins the club. Over time, more members join, each with their own reasons. Despite their differences, they all share a common goal – to compete in the Koto Nationals competition.

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